6 Questions You Should Ask A Medical Waste Service Provider

What you Should Know and Why

“Get it in writing!” You’ve probably heard that advice a time or two, and it’s almost always a good one to follow. When trying to decide on the best medical waste services for your company and who will be providing them, it’s most definitely good advice. Not all medical waste service companies are created equal, so taking the time to ask the right questions and know your options will not only get you the best service possible, but it will save you time, money and headaches in the future.

If you have found a company you like and you think you can trust, what questions should you ask them as a potential service provider? Here we go:

How long will my contract last?

You need to know what you’re getting into and how long this partnership may last. If the provider insists on a contract that lasts longer than 12 months, this is a potential red flag. Ask yourself: why do they require such a long-term commitment? After all, if you’re satisfied with the level of service they provide, you would be happy to renew or extend your contract. Don’t be intimidated! Also, ask if making changes to your contract will extend the length of it – you don’t want to get caught in a longer contract with a company that doesn’t meet your needs without knowing it.

Can I get out of my contract, and will there be any fees or penalties if I do?

Most medical waste companies that try to require you to sign long-term contracts do so because they don’t want you to have the opportunity to terminate said contract without costing you thousands in penalties and fees, even if they provide poor quality service. Additionally, many companies will impose automatic price increases, which would cause your cost to soar through the roof over the duration of an agreement. Remember – if it’s not in writing, it doesn’t exist! Make sure you are explicitly aware of any penalty before you sign anything.

Is the quoted price all-inclusive or are there any hidden fees or surcharges?

As with any service provider, there can be hidden fees tucked into the latter parts of a contract, and you don’t know about them until the charge shows up on your bill. When you receive a quote from a medical waste service company, it is not uncommon for the contract to state a low monthly fee on the front page, followed by many pages of fine print outlining extra fees. Some things to look out for – fuel charges, stop fees, container surcharges or excess waste fees. Make sure you fully understand what you will be charged up front.

Will I be charged for empty bins or excess waste?

There are times when you won’t have as much medical waste as originally planned, and times when you will have more. Will the waste service provider charge you extra to handle either situation? You need to know upfront how the company will or if they will increase your fees if this happens. So whether you only have two of your four proverbial bins filled, or if you need an additional, unscheduled pick up, find out what will happen before your sign anything!

How is customer service handled?

The larger the company, the more professional they seem, but also the harder it may be to get a hold of someone when you have a problem or a concern. And especially when dealing with medical waste, if there’s a problem, you want to get it handled immediately and with as little frustration as possible. Any reputable company should offer proper customer service contact information without you asking for it, but if they don’t, make sure you do! Also, be aware of whether or not the customer service employees are fully knowledgeable about the particular laws and regulations for your business – if not, they may give you incorrect information, which will just cause you more trouble.  

Is the provider a full-service medical waste disposal company?

While all of the above information is necessary, and you should be fully aware of each area, it’s almost more important to know what the provider you’ve chosen can do! Ask about any and every service you think your company may need, either immediately or in the future. Your company will go through changes, and you want to make sure the provider can change along with you. And cover all your bases – whether it’s how they handle PHI (personal health information), sharps management, or device destruction, know what the provider can do.

SecureMed – Medical Waste Service

Only you know what your company may need to dispose of – any provider you partner with should be able to comply with any need you have, and if they can’t, to be upfront and honest about it. And if you’re located in north or central Alabama, SecureMed can answer your questions and handle your medical waste disposal needs. Contact us today!