The Many Hazards of Improper Needle Disposal
You may have grown accustomed to seeing those red boxes marked, “Hazardous Material,” on the wall of your hospital, clinic, tattoo parlor, or nursing home. Those crimson containers are simply a piece of the daily landscape you walk thorough.
However, if you’ll take just a moment to consider the risks you’d be facing without those needle disposal containers, you might find a new appreciation for them.

Dangers Abound Ahead!
When proper needle disposal practices are ignored, the chances of contracting blood-borne diseases from accidental needle sticks drastically increase.
These diseases can include (but are not limited to):
- Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Human immunodeficiency virus is a virus that damages the cells in your immune system and weakens your ability to fight everyday infections and disease. Although HIV can be treated long-term via drug treatments, there is currently no cure.
- Hepatitis B (HBV)
Hepatitis B is an infection of the liver caused by a virus that’s spread through blood and body fluids. Although most cases of HBV are able to be treated and cured within 1-6 months, it is possible for those who contract chronic HBV to develop life-threatening complications such as cirrhosis (scarring of the liver) or even liver cancer.
- Hepatitis C (HCV)
Hepatitis C is a virus that can infect the liver. The disease often doesn’t reveal its symptoms until the liver has been significantly damaged. Early diagnosis via blood tests is important for quicker treatment, thus limiting the amount of liver damage incurred and preventing passing the infection on to other people.
- Abscesses and Skin Infections
Syringes and lancets can be contaminated with bacteria from the skin that can cause painful and even deadly abscesses and skin infections. These conditions or contracting sepsis can grow beyond a localized issue and become systemic blood infections!
Reduce Risks with Secure Needle Disposal
These blood-borne diseases and injuries are serious business. To prevent putting your hospital or nursing home staff and visitors at risk of coming in contact with blood or bodily fluids, take the time to ensure you are following proper needle disposal procedures.
Some of the ways of reducing the risk of needlestick injuries include:
- Providing regular training and enforcing all workplace safety procedures
Safety requirements can become “old hat” and can be forgotten if they are not consistently reinforced. Don’t wait to let an accident or troublesome situation become your reminder to provide refresher safety courses for your doctors and staff to prevent improper needle disposal catastrophes!
- Keep in mind that latex gloves will not protect against needle pricks
While gloves may prevent your skin from exposure to body fluids and the like, they will not prevent needle sticks, cuts or punctures. Always handle needles carefully and dispose of them (and any contaminated gloves!) in appropriate containers.
- Never re-cap, bend or snap used needles
While it may seem helpful to re-cap used needles or shorten the length of a needle by breaking it, these are terrible ideas. In the process of attempting either of these procedures, you risk stabbing the hand holding it or getting poked by the needle piercing through the cap.
- ALWAYS place used needles into a clearly labeled sharps-approved container.
Sharps containers are available in a wide variety of sizes to accommodate for your needle disposal needs. These containers are puncture proof and should be placed out of the reach of children. It’s important that these boxes meet all federal, state and local regulatory requirements. Avoid overfilling the boxes and make sure they are compliant with OSHA and USDOT regulations.

Protect Your People from Improper Needle Disposal
You would be devastated if any of thm were injured or contracted a blood-borne disease because of improper needle disposal. Let SecureMed come alongside you in your efforts to keep your staff and visitors safe. SecureMed is licensed, insured and fully compliant with all Alabama and federal medical waste handling laws. They provide customers with proper red bags and sharps containers in all shapes and sizes, as part of their “everything’s included, no hidden fees” pricing policy.
To learn more about how SecureMed can help you prevent the hazards of improper needle disposal, contact them for a FREE QUICK QUOTE today!